
The effect of vaccination against COVID-19 on the condition of periodontal tissues


  • A.A. Remizova 1, Doctor of Science in Medicine, associate professor and head of the Dentistry Department No. 3
    ORCID: 0000-0001-5951-9454
  • J.I. Tingaeva 1, postgraduate at the Dentistry Department No. 3
    ORCID: 0000-0001-8471-0146
  • M.G. Dzgoeva 1, Doctor of Science in Medicine, associate professor and head of the Dentistry Department No. 1
    ORCID: 0000-0002-0247-1901
  • G.G. Mar'in 2, Doctor of Science in Medicine, professor of the Epidemiology Department
    ORCID: 0000-0003-2179-8421
  • A.K. Fardzinova 1, 5th year student at the Dental Faculty
    ORCID: 0009-0003-6743-7530
  • 1 North Ossetian State Medical Academy, 362019, Vladikavkaz, Russia
  • 2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, 125993, Moscow, Russia


Despite an in-depth analysis of the symptoms of the new coronavirus infection, the mechanism of the effect of vaccination on the condition of periodontal tissues has not been sufficiently studied.
Materials and methods.
We examined 290 patients treated in COVID-hospitals: 140 patients underwent (Group I) and 150 people were not vaccinated against COVID-19 (Group II). The control groups included 204 individuals without comorbidities: 101 vaccinated (Group III) and 103 unvaccinated (Group IV). The examination included measurement of microcirculation and oxygenation index in periodontal tissues by laser Doppler flowmetry.
In unvaccinated patients, previously treated in COVID-hospitals, statistically significantly decreased microcirculation index (17.3—22.6 BPU) and hemoglobin oxygen saturation level (78.3—84.9%) were revealed in comparison with vaccinated ones (22.5—27.9 BPU and 82.3—88.7%, respectively). In patients who had previously undergone a new coronavirus infection, a statistically significant decrease in the microcirculation and oxygenation indices of periodontal tissues compared to the control groups is preserved in the distant periods. A pronounced decrease in microcirculation and saturation indices is observed in patients re-hospitalized for a new coronavirus infection, and this is natural in view of the proven disorders of hemostasis and endothelial dysfunction in this pathology. The analysis of the obtained results allows us to speak about the absence of influence of the fact of vaccination on the state of periodontal tissues in the persons of control groups.
In the distant results of the studies in vaccinated and unvaccinated COVID-19 patients treated in the red zone, reliable differences in the changes of microcirculation in periodontal tissues were revealed. It was found that in 8.6% of cases, unvaccinated patients were hospitalized after reinfection with COVID-19 and 1.3% died, while in vaccinated patients hospitalization in COVID wards was 0.7%.

Key words:

periodontal disease, microcirculation, COVID-19, vaccination, saturation

For Citation

Remizova A.A., Tingaeva J.I., Dzgoeva M.G., Mar’in G.G., Fardzinova A.K. The effect of vaccination against COVID-19 on the condition of periodontal tissues. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2024; 27 (3): 78—82. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2024_3_78


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