
Microcirculation of the distal zone of the upper jaw prosthetic bed in patients with full removable dentures


  • I.S. Redinov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Prosthodontics Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5888-9725
  • V.A. Vakhrusheva 1, assistant at the Prosthodontics Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2112-2002
  • A.N. Mironov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Prosthodontics Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4369-7787
  • B.A. Lysenko 2, resident at the Orthopedic and general dentistry Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3980-6816
  • D.V. Korlyakov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, assistant professor of the Oral and maxillofacial surgery Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2340-8159
  • 1 Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 426034, Izhevsk, Russia
  • 2 Kazan State Medical Academy, 420012, Kazan, Russia


Inadequate loading of a complete removable plate prosthesis on the underlying tissues can worsen hemodynamics, promote inflammatory and dystrophic processes. Especially important is the correct manufacture of a complete removable prosthesis of the upper jaw in its distal part, where the edge of the prosthesis is immersed in the soft tissues of the anterior soft palate. Purpose of the study: to study the processes of microcirculation of the distal zone of the prosthetic bed of the upper jaw in patients using complete removable dentures made using various impression techniques.
Materials and methods.
The microcirculation in the anterior soft palate was studied in persons using complete removable dentures. A total of 44 elderly and elderly patients were examined. The first group consisted of 16 patients who received complete removable plate dentures for the upper jaw, made using impressions according to the method we developed. The second group also consisted of 16 patients adapted to complete removable dentures of the upper jaw, made according to the traditional method. The control group included patients of the same age, but with preserved dentition. Microcirculation of soft tissues in the anterior soft palate was assessed using a photoplethysmograph before and after a soft food load.
General processes of hemodynamics in the human body significantly affect the regional blood circulation. In the main group, which included a smaller number of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system (31.2 versus 58.3% and 56.2%), the average value of the amplitude of pulse oscillations was higher (13.0 and 15.6 mm) than in the control group (7.3 and 7.6 mm; p<0.02 and p<0.05) and the comparison group (8.6 and 8.9 mm; p<0.02 and p<0.01).
Correctly made prosthesis for the upper jaw does not disturb the hemodynamic processes in the anterior soft palate already on the first day of the prosthesis. At the same time, the processes of microcirculation in the distal part of the prosthetic bed of a complete removable denture do not differ from the hemodynamic parameters of patients who do not use complete removable lamellar dentures.

Key words:

complete denture, upper jaw, microcirculation

For Citation

Redinov I.S., Vakhrusheva V.A., Mironov A.N., Lysenko B.A., Korlyakov D.V. Microcirculation of the distal zone of the upper jaw prosthetic bed in patients with full removable dentures. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2023; 26 (2): 158—163. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2023_2_158


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January 27, 2023


June 8, 2023

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July 6, 2023