
Adhesive systems: From total-etch technique to universal adhesives (a review)


  • N.I. Krikheli 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Clinical dentistry Department, vice-rector
    ORCID: 0000-0002-8035-0638
  • M.N. Bychkova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Clinical dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0002-5231-2597
  • E.V. Savrasova 1, postgraduate at the Clinical dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0001-9956-9712
  • 1 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 127473, Moscow, Russia


This review describes the history of the development of adhesive systems, provides current classifications, chemical composition and properties of these materials. Modern adhesive systems are distinguished by generations, etching technique and number of clinical steps. The latest generation of dental adhesives are universal adhesive systems, the use of which is possible in the techniques of total, selective and self-etching. A number of researchers express doubts about the durability of the hybrid layer and the adhesion strength of these adhesive systems. The Russian literature does not sufficiently reflect the ways to improve and optimize work with universal adhesive systems.
According to the analysis of literature data (PubMed, eLibrary and ScienceDirect), all modern adhesive systems, regardless of classification, have their advantages and disadvantages. Adhesive systems of total etching provide high adhesion strength and have the greatest durability. However, these systems depend on the degree of dentin moisture, violation of the application technique causes the appearance of postoperative sensitivity, they are subject to hydrolytic degradation. The concept of self-etching adhesive systems allows simultaneous etching and penetration of the adhesive to the depth of dentin demineralization due to acidic monomers. At the same time, the low acidity of monomers in the composition of the self-etching adhesive does not allow for sufficient demineralization of the enamel surface. Universal adhesive systems have a unique composition, versatility of etching techniques, low sensitivity when working with them. They can be used for both direct and indirect restorations.
A review of the literature has shown that the use of universal adhesive systems is of great practical interest and requires further study.

Key words:

adhesion, chemical composition of adhesive systems, universal adhesive systems, etching technique

For Citation

Krikheli N.I., Bychkova M.N., Savrasova E.V. Adhesive systems: From total-etch technique to universal adhesives (a review). Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2022; 25 (2): 6—11. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2022_2_6


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April 6, 2022

Published on

June 1, 2022