
Evaluation of orthodontic treatment methods for children with congenital facial cleft


  • M.A. Postnikov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Therapeutic dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0002-2232-8870
  • N.A. Vorozheikina 1, assistant at the Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Department
  • A.N. Karpov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Department
  • O.A. Magsumova 1, assistant at the Therapeutic dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0002-0511-6550
  • M.I. Sadykov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Prosthodontics Department
  • A.S. Seryogin 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Department
    ORCID: 0000-0002-8566-1638
  • N.V. Pankratova 2, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Orthodontics Department
    ORCID: 0000-0002-0672-1381
  • G.V. Stepanov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Department
  • Z.K. Yakubova 3, PhD in Medical Sciences, professor of the Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Department
    ORCID: 0000-0001-6427-7680
  • 1 Samara State Medical University, 443001, Samara, Russia
  • 2 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 127473, Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, 734003, Dushanbe, Tajikistan


The article describes the results of the examination of patients aged 7 to 12 years who are registered at the dispensary and have undergone hardware orthodontic treatment for maxillofacial anomalies resulting from congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate. At the same time, one group of patients received hardware treatment by the methods developed by the authors, and the other — by conventional methods. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire developed by the authors. The purpose of the work is to determine by means of a questionnaire the practical possibility of using new schemes of hardware orthodontic treatment developed by the authors.
Materials and methods.
The respondents answering the questions of the questionnaire developed by us were patients aged 7 to 12 years who underwent hardware orthodontic treatment for anomalies in the position of teeth and occlusion resulting from congenital cleft of the upper lip and palate and after plastic surgery. The respondents answering the questions of the questionnaire developed by us were patients aged 7 to 12 years who underwent hardware orthodontic treatment for anomalies in the position of teeth and occlusion resulting from congenital cleft of the upper lip and palate and after plastic surgery. Filling out the questionnaire was carried out by the child independently in the presence and with the consent of the parents.
Analysis of the survey results showed that most children with the consequences of congenital pathology are able to clearly formulate the purpose of orthodontic treatment, want to correct the incorrect position of the teeth and can responsibly follow the recommendations of an orthodontist.
The practical possibility of orthodontic treatment of the considered contingent of patients with the use of new methods of hardware treatment developed by the authors with two removable devices on both jaws at the same time was confirmed.

Key words:

consequences of congenital cleft of the upper lip and palate, hardware orthodontic treatment, questionnaire

For Citation

Postnikov M.A., Vorozheikina N.A., Karpov A.N., Magsumova O.A., Sadykov M.I., Seryogin A.S., Pankratova N.V., Stepanov G.V., Yakubova Z.K. Evaluation of orthodontic treatment methods for children with congenital facial cleft. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2022; 25 (1): 91—97. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2022_1_91


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November 14, 2021


February 27, 2022

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March 1, 2022