10.37988/1811-153X_2021_4_50Ultrasound Doppler in assessment of periodontal hemodynamics in athletes engaged in power sports
The evaluation of periodontal tissue hemocirculation in amateur athletes was carried out on the basis of clinical data and ultrasound Doppler.Materials and methods.
A total of 105 men aged 20 to 35 years were examined, 57 of them were engaged in strength sports (bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting) 3—4 times a week, and 48 were not engaged in sports. Data from examination, interview, and structural analysis of ultrasound Doppler were evaluated.
Functional changes of local hemodynamics in the sportsmen participating in amateur sports were marked. They are manifested in the change of linear (Vas, Vam, Vakd) — 0.51±0.15, 0.26±0.27 and 0.23±0.25 cm/s respectively, volumetric (Qam, Qas) velocities of the tissue blood flow — 0.036±0.015 and 0.051±0.033 ml/min, as well as Gosling Index (PI) — 2.35±0.18 and Purcelo Index (RI) — 0.82±0.26, that testifies to decrease of periodontal tissues perfusion level by blood and is connected with their expressed functional overload.
Peculiarities of hemodynamics in amateur sportsmen of various specializations can be connected with the specific character of sport and predominance of definite types of physical loads. Changes in periodontal blood flow hemodynamics appearing in the decrease of linear and volumetric velocity are connected with the stasis in the vessels of the periodontal microcirculatory channel. Increase of calculated indexes values signals about vascular resistance to blood flow and compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of tissue blood flow regulation.
Key words:
periodontium, hemodynamics, microcirculation, ultrasound Doppler, sportsFor Citation
Nasibullina E.F., Kabirova M.F. Ultrasound Doppler in assessment of periodontal hemodynamics in athletes engaged in power sports. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2021; 24 (4): 50—55. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2021_4_50
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November 30, 2021
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December 1, 2021