Research by Per-Ingvar Brånemark in the field of osteointegration and bone regeneration. Review (part 2)
The work of P.-I. Brånemark and his scientific team is the fundamental basis of scientific research in the field of osseointegration and reparative regeneration of bone tissue. At the same time, there is a lack of clear references to the works of P.-I. Brånemark in the Russian literature. The purpose of this work was to systematize the works of P.-I. Brånemark, devoted to osseointegration and bone regeneration, in semantic and chronological order. Scientific publications in the period from 1963 to 2016 are considered in semantic and chronological order. Data on osseointegration of various types of implants, grafts, and bone regeneration were analyzed. The analysis of the works of P.-I. Brånemark allows us to conclude that under his leadership, fundamental experimental studies of the osseointegration of titanium implants and the reparative regeneration of bone tissue were carried out. The basic principles of osseointegration and the requirements for implants were formulated.Conclusions.
The scientific works of P.-I. Brånemark can rightly be considered basic in modern dental implantology.
Key words:
osseointegration, bone regeneration, implantationFor Citation
Kulikova A.A., Dymnikov A.B., Ivanov S.Yu., Muraev A.A., Khosrawi A.M. Research by Per-Ingvar Brånemark in the field of osteointegration and bone regeneration. Review (part 2). Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2021; 24 (3): 52—58
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- Curi M.M., Oliveira M.F., Molina G., Cardoso C.L., De Groot Oliveira L., Branemark P.I., de Cássia Braga Ribeiro K. Extraoral implants in the rehabilitation of craniofacial defects: implant and prosthesis survival rates and peri-implant soft tissue evaluation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012; 70 (7): 1551—7. PMID: 22698291
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- Mishra S.K., Chowdhary R., Chrcanovic B.R., Brånemark P.I. Osseoperception in Dental Implants: A Systematic Review. J Prosthodont. 2016; 25 (3): 185—95. PMID: 26823228
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July 25, 2021
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September 1, 2021