
Research of the structure of teeth enamel mineral component in connective tissue dysplasia by densitometry and atomic force microscopy in the late postpartum ontogenesis period


  • V.D. Vagner 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Dental service organization, licensing and accreditation Department
  • V.P. Konev 2, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Forensic medicine and jurisprudence Department
  • A.S. Korshunov 2, assistant at the Maxillofacial surgery Department
  • K.N. Kuryatnikov 2, clinical resident of the Dentistry Department
  • A.P. Skurikhina 2, 3th year student at the Dental Faculty
  • A.A. Bondar 2, 3d year student at the Dental Faculty
  • 1 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Omsk State Medical University, 644099, Omsk, Russia


Objective. It’s necessary to give a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the enamel mineral component structure of impacted teeth with and without connective tissue dysplasia in different periods of late postpartum human ontogenesis using densitometry and atomic force microscopy methods. Materials and methods. 60 males with and without connective tissue dysplasia (age subgroups: 31—40, 41—50, 51—60 years) were removed either 3.8 or 4.8 tooth. Each tooth had no contact with the oral fluid. The densitometric assessment of the inorganic enamel component density was performed using the Kodak Dental Systems software. The shape, packing, and distance between the enamel prisms were analyzed using the Image Analysis NT—VDT software. Results. It was found that pronounced enamel metabolism is observed in impacted teeth after 30 years. This kind of metabolism is characterized by a change in the shape, packing density and distance of enamel prisms. The study shows that in case of connective tissue dysplasia, the rates of maturation of enamel prisms in the late postpartum ontogenesis period are reduced. Conclusions. In case of connective tissue dysplasia the picture of incomplete amelogenesis with a low packing density and a large distance between enamel prisms is observed.

Key words:

enamel prisms, connective tissue dysplasia, age, densitometry, atomic force microscopy

For Citation

Vagner V.D., Konev V.P., Korshunov A.S., Kuryatnikov K.N., Skurikhina A.P., Bondar A.A. Research of the structure of teeth enamel mineral component in connective tissue dysplasia by densitometry and atomic force microscopy in the late postpartum ontogenesis period. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2021; 4 (96): 19—24. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2020_4_19


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Published on

January 13, 2021