
Teeth replantation method in conjunction with radectomy and with subsequent retrograde filling


  • V.A. Badalyan 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, leading researcher
  • A.S. Kasparov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, researcher, dental surgeon
  • Z.M. Stepanyan 1, postgraduate, dental surgeon
  • A.M. Zedgenidze 1, postgraduate, dentist
  • 1 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russia


The effectiveness of the method of tooth replantation with resection and retrograde filling in order to reduce surgical trauma was studied. The study was conducted in 18 patients diagnosed with “chronic apical periodontitis” and “radicular cyst”. Using the example of two clinical cases, the technique of tooth replantation in combination with root apex resection and retrograde filling is described in detail. According to the results of the study, tooth replantation is recognised as one of the most optimal and atraumatic tooth-preserving surgery.

Key words:

replantation, periapical pathology

For Citation

Badalyan V.A., Kasparov A.S., Stepanyan Z.M., Zedgenidze A.M. Teeth replantation method in conjunction with radectomy and with subsequent retrograde filling. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 4 (92): 70—73. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_4_70


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Published on

December 1, 2019