10.37988/1811-153X_2019_4_20Experimental investigation of the effect of an ionizing radiation on the mineralization of the enamel of various functional teams of the teeth as a possible etiological factor of the emergency of radiative cares
Targets and goals. Using the method of Raman spectroscopy to study the mineralization of various anatomical and topographic zones of teeth of different functional groups before and after exposure to radiation factor at a dose of 2-70 Gy, to identify the degree of direct exposure to ionizing radiation on the tooth enamel. Methods. In this preclinical in vitro study on 40 model test objects of teeth removed according to clinical indications (incisors, premolars, molars) irradiated with an X-ray biological apparatus LNK-268 (RAP-100-10), voltage 70 kV, beam current 8 mA , dose rate of 22.7 Gy/min. The teeth were irradiated with a dose of 2 Gy, 20 Gy, 70 Gy and 110 Gy. Using the APK InSpectr M with a probe radiation wavelength of 532 nm, test objects (tooth enamel) measured the mineralization of the tooth enamel, using the intensity index of the Raman line hydroxyl appatite (x=963 cm-1) in relative units before and after irradiation of the teeth. At the same time was made the collection and processing of the information received. The measurements were carried out perpendicular to the tooth surface in the contact-stable position of the object (tooth) to the radiation source. To quantify the intensity of Raman radiation (in relative units), indicators at the maximum and minimum of the power of its Raman line and indicators of fluorescence intensity (M cf. relative) were measured as a test to assess the hygienic condition of the tooth surface). the difference obtained in the Raman line of hydroxy lappatite (relative units) was taken as the intensity of Raman for enamel, dentin and cement of the studied teeth (M cf.). Results. As a result, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the content and distribution of hydroxyapatite in the structures of hard dental tissues (enamel, dentin, cement) was carried out before and after exposure to radiation factor in a dose of 2-110 Gr. There were no significant differences in the mineralization of hard dental tissues, regardless of the radiation dose. Conclusion. The high sensitivity and rapidity of the method was revealed, the possibility of quantitative processing of the results of the study online, which allows recommending it to assess the degree of mineralization/demineralization of the tooth, the effectiveness of remineralizing drugs and methods for their use, including for patients receiving radiation therapy for malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region.Key words:
enamel, mineralization, anatomical topographic area, hard tooth tissue, Raman-fluorescence spectroscopy, radiation exposure, radiation therapy, Raman line hydroxylapatiteFor Citation
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Published on
December 1, 2019