10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_20Characterization of successful root canal treatment of teeth with periapical lesion by PCR-RT
124 teeth with a diagnosis of chronic apical periodontitis were investigated and treated with a periapical lesion ranging from 1.8 to 5.9 mm, divided into four groups. A microbiological study of the microflora of the root canal was carried out by the method of PCR Real-time. The material was taken before treatment and immediately before the permanent obturation in 40 root canals. All treatment regimens tested in all four groups determined high antimicrobial activity. The greatest and complete inhibition of microorganisms was determined in patients, whose treatment regimen included the use of paste based on calcium hydroxide three times with an interval of 7-14 days, ultrasonic activation of sodium hypochlorite, hydrodynamic irrigation and a diode laser, as well as in the third experimental group treatment regimen which included the use of paste based on calcium hydroxide three times with an interval of 7-14 days, followed by long-term temporary obturation of calcium hydroxide with iodoform, ultrasonic activation of sodium hypochlorite in the root canal, hydrodynamic irrigation and a diode laser. Treatment regimens which did not include the use of a diode laser, were less antimicrobiologically active. It was concluded that the use of a diode laser in endodontic treatment of the teeth with periapical lesion strengthens the antibacterial activity and contributes to the complete inhibition of the studied pathogenic microflora in the root canals.Key words:
endodontics, chronic apical periodontitis, periapical lesion, RT-PCRFor Citation
Mamedzade R.E. Characterization of successful root canal treatment of teeth with periapical lesion by PCR-RT. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2019; 3 (91): 20—23. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_20
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Published on
September 1, 2019