
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the local remineralizing therapy to regulate the enamel mineralization processes in the temporary teeth


  • L.P. Kiselnikova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Paediatric dentistry Department
  • Wei Li 1, postgraduate at the Paediatric dentistry Department
  • M.A. Shevchenko 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, assistant professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
  • 1 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 127473, Moscow, Russia


Enamel mineralization features have not determined yet as well as there is no evidence of the influence of local therapy products on enamel maturation in primary teeth. 91 children (11 months - 4 years old) were under clinical and laboratory study. By electrometry of the erupting first and second intact primary molars it was determined that enamel mineralization takes place during the first year after primary molars eruption. The study of the children who were not given preventive measures, showed an increase of enamel mineralization by 60.15 and 64.78% on the upper first and second molars; and by 64.59% and 62.47% on the lower first and second molars by the end of the first year after the primary teeth eruption. Combined use of calcium phosphate-containing and fluorine-containing products enables to obtain the fastest enamel mineralization: on the upper molars-by 94.43% and 92.86%; on the lower molars - by 93.46% and 93.61%.

Key words:

caries of the temporary teeth, caries prevention, remineralizing therapy, mineralization of enamel

For Citation

Kiselnikova L.P., Li Wei, Shevchenko M.A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the local remineralizing therapy to regulate the enamel mineralization processes in the temporary teeth. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 2 (90): 4—8. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_2_4


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Published on

June 1, 2019