
The attitude of orthopedic dentists on inspecting the mouth vestibule and strictly the mouth itself when examining patients


  • E.O. Bochkovskaya 1, dentist
  • R.A. Saleev 2, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor, dean of the Dentistry faculty, chief medical officer of the Dental Clinic
  • L.E. Smirnova 3, PhD in Medical Sciences, senior researcher
  • 1 “Onika” Medical and Diagnostic Center, 196607, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • 2 Kazan State Medical University, 420012, Kazan, Russia
  • 3 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russia


When examining patients orthopedic dentists do not pay enough attention to the mouth vestibule and strictly the mouth itself checkup, there is no cancer alertness. When using the additional methods of examination only radiographic and extremely rarely functional are used. In 19.0%, the diagnosis does not match the results of the examination and ICD 10. Such inaccuracies in dental patient’s record maintenance do not provide protection for the doctor in the event of conflict situations.

Key words:

dental patient examination, dental patient medical record

For Citation

Bochkovskaya E.O., Saleev R.A., Smirnova L.E. The attitude of orthopedic dentists on inspecting the mouth vestibule and strictly the mouth itself when examining patients. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 1 (85): 80—82. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_1_80


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Published on

March 1, 2018