
Using hyaluronic acid preparations in complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the parodont. Literature review


  • O.I. Efimovich 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Dentistry Department
  • 1 Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI), 129110, Moscow, Russia


Recently, in the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases hyaluronic acid preparations are used, which improves wound healing by inducing early granulation tissue formation, inhibits inflammation, stimulate angiogenesis processes in the connective tissue. Treatment with formulations of hyaluronic acid are in the form of a gel or a spray application to the mucosa, or by introduction of gel injected into oral labial fold. Also used administering hyaluronic acid preparations intraoperatively, the surgical treatment of severe forms of periodontitis. Used these drugs for gingivitis, but most often it is included in the comprehensive treatment of periodontitis.

Key words:

periodontitis, gingivitis, hyaluronic acid

For Citation

Efimovich O.I. Using hyaluronic acid preparations in complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the parodont. Literature review. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 1 (85): 28—33. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_1_28


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March 1, 2018