Stomatological phenotypes of patients with the TMJ dysfunctional syndrome and connective tissue dysplasia


  • E.E. Statovskaia 1, к.м.н., доцент кафедры стоматологии общей практики
  • 1 СЗГМУ им. И.И. Мечникова


The main sex differences in the parameters of the dental status of 362 patients with functional disorders of various severity at the age of 16-56 years, including the TMJ dysfunctional syndrome with anamnesis of complaints of not more than 1.5 months, have been studied. 275 patients of the main group with connective tissue dysplasia (CTD), 87 patients in the control group without CTD, 258 women were observed. The CTD of both the light and the moderate severity were adopted as inclusion criteria. Frank hypertonicity and hypertrophy of masticatory muscles, bruxism, hereditary and autoimmune connective tissue disorders, severe somatic diseases in the stage of exacerbation and decompensation, diabetes millitus, and smoking were adopted as exclusion criteria. The nature, chronology of primary treatment due to TMJ dysfunction syndrome and the clinical aspects of dental diseases revealed sex differences in connection with the CTD.

Key words:

dysplasia of connective tissue, manifestation of the TMJ dysfunctional syndrome, sex differences of the dental anamnesis, stomatological phenotypes

For Citation

Statovskaia E.E. Stomatological phenotypes of patients with the TMJ dysfunctional syndrome and connective tissue dysplasia. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 4 (84): 58—63


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Published on

December 1, 2017