Bacteriological assessment of dentifrices effectiveness in patients with implant supported dentures
The aim of the study was to evaluate antimicrobial properties of R.O.C.S. dentifrices on control strain samples. Bacteriological assessment was carried out by diffusion method using three R.O.C.S. dentifrices: “Bionica”, “Double Mint” and “Pro Oxygen Whitening”. The study results proved all dentifrices to have antimicrobial properties with R.O.C.S. “Pro Oxygen Whitening” being the most active against control strains. “R.O.C.S. Bionica” was active against C. albicans and Str. mutans, “R.O.C.S. Double Mint”-against S. aureus, C. albicans, Str. mutans. These results allow recommending all three tested dentifrices for individual oral hygiene in patients with implant supported dentures.Key words:
periimplantitis prevention, antimicrobial activity, dentifricesFor Citation
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Published on
September 1, 2017