Evaluation of the treatment efficiency of chronic mechanical trauma of the oral mucosa orthodontic patients
Use of the fixed orthodontic equipment often causes traumatic lesions of an oral mucosa. Are exposed to the most often traumatic influence: right and/or left cheek (58,1%), upper and/or lower lip (16,2%). We have offered the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures including use of the complex topical agent Herpenox. Patients had taken recommended measures reported decrease in pain and a burning sensation on the first day and complete epithelialization of lesions occurred by 3-5 day of treatment. The use of complex therapeutic and preventive measures in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment reduces the feeling of pain, reduces inflammatory reaction, reduces the time of epithelialization lesions and accelerates the adaptation of the patient to orthodontic appliances.Key words:
chronic mechanical trauma, oral mucosa, complications, brace system, chelate organic germanium guanine complexFor Citation
Kosjuga S.Ju., Botova D.I. Evaluation of the treatment efficiency of chronic mechanical trauma of the oral mucosa orthodontic patients. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2017; 1 (81): 58—60
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Published on
March 1, 2017