Modern tendencies of chronic odontogenic maxiliary sinusitis with sinus floor perforation complications prevention


  • Vadim Valentinovich Shulakov 1, doct. of med. sci., professor of Maxillo-facial surgery Department
  • Vera Vladimirovna Luzina 1, cand. of med. sci., assistant of Maxillo-facial surgery Department
  • Aleksei Andreevich Biryulev 1, cand. of med. sci., assistant of Radiology Department
  • T.V. Tsareva 1, cand. of med. sci., assistant of microbiology, virology and immunology Department
  • S.Yu. Lashchuk 1, post-graduate student of Maxillo-facial surgery Department
  • 1 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry


Complications that often arise at different stages of treatment of patients with chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis caused by various factors that are not always considered by oral and maxillofacial surgeons during the planning of treatment. Purpose of study-improvement of complex treatment of patients with chronic odontogenic perforative maxillary sinusitis by developing a preventive treatment directed to conduct an adequate and evidence-based antibiotic prophylaxis, managing of effective drainage and optimization of surgical treatment, as well as the scheme of complex treatment of these patients. The obtained data is based on the analysis of the results of complex modern clinical and radiological, microbiological and functional study in 68 patients with HOPS, which were distributed in two groups of the study. In 33 patients was applied an improved method of treatment. The results were compared with those obtained in 35 patients who underwent traditional treatment methods. According to the results of study the percentage of complications developed during the complex treatment measures in patients with chronic odontogenic perforated maxillary sinusitis was lower than in patients who underwent the traditional treatment.

Key words:

chronic maxillary sinusitis, paranasal sinuses, maxillary sinus, the nasal cavity, computer tomographic study, hileflox, sinus drainage

For Citation

Shulakov Vadim Valentinovich, Luzina Vera Vladimirovna, Biryulev Aleksei Andreevich, Tsareva T.V., Lashchuk S.Yu. Modern tendencies of chronic odontogenic maxiliary sinusitis with sinus floor perforation complications prevention. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2015; 2 (74): 24—32


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Published on

June 1, 2015