Hardness of dental ceramics


  • S.A. Nikolaenko 1, 2, д.м.н., профессор, главный научный сотрудник; директор
  • I.V. Ilyenko 3, стоматолог-терапевт
  • A.I. Zubarev 3, к.м.н.
  • L.A. Shapiro 4, доцент кафедры медицинской и биологической физики
  • A. Muschweck 5, доктор (PhD), клиника стоматологии № 1
  • U. Lohbauer 5, доктор (PhD), профессор, клиника стоматологии № 1
  • 1 НИИ медицинских проблем Севера СО РАМН
  • 2 профессорская стоматология и научно-образовательный центр «ЗубНик»
  • 3 Профессорская стоматология и научно-образовательный центр «ЗубНик»
  • 4 Красноярский государственный медицинский университет им. проф. В.Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого
  • 5 Фридрих-Александр университет Эрлангена-Нюрнберга


The objective of this study was to test the new fluorapatite-containing veneering ceramics IPS E.max Ceram (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaar, Liechtenstein) for its mechanical property and mechanisms are responsible for the failure of such materials. The comparison of the values of the initial flexural strength showed that the samples stored in silicone oil had a significantly higher initial flexural strength than the samples of the reference group stored in water without final firing and with final firing. On the other hand the comparison of the E-modules between the two groups of water and silicone oil showed no significant difference. The subsequent fractographic analysis of the sample material showed a direct correlation between structural homogeneity and break resistance. Moreover, the comparison of the samples of a fracture due to fatigue with those of an initial fracture showed significant morphological differences with regard to its fracture behavior.

Key words:

ceramics, E-modules, fatigue, flexural strength, staircase approach

For Citation

Nikolaenko S.A., Ilyenko I.V., Zubarev A.I., Shapiro L.A., Muschweck A., Lohbauer U. Hardness of dental ceramics. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2015; 1 (73): 10—14


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Published on

March 1, 2015