Justification of complex of remedial measures for patients with periodintitis


  • T.N. Modina
  • M.V. Bolbat
  • O.G. Uglova
  • Yu.Yu. Dyatlova
  • S.V. Bondarenko
  • B.V. Kashcheev
  • N.O. Urzhumova
  • L.V. Babusenko
  • D.V. Khlus
  • S.I. Azieva

For Citation

Modina T.N., Bolbat M.V., Uglova O.G., Dyatlova Yu.Yu., Bondarenko S.V., Kashcheev B.V., Urzhumova N.O., Babusenko L.V., Khlus D.V., Azieva S.I. Justification of complex of remedial measures for patients with periodintitis. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2012; 4 (64): 56—60

Published on

December 1, 2012