10.37988/1811-153X_2023_2_144Experimental justification of the use of surgical templates
The use of surgical guides undoubtedly allows more accurate placement of a dental implant. However, the issues of osteotomy accuracy and direct placement of a dental implant remain open due to the small number of experimental studies. Aim: To validate the use of surgical navigation guides in experimental dental implantation.Materials and methods.
Twenty operators with different levels of clinical experience were selected on a prospective basis and divided into 2 groups: Group I placed demo implants with a surgical navigation template (SNT), Group II without. A virtual dental implant installed in the software was used as a control. In total, 20 implants were placed. The implant system used was the Innovative Russian Implant System (IRIS) LIKO-M demonstration dental implants of various diameters and lengths, as well as the guide and standard IRIS surgical protocol. The models were scanned with a Shining 3D scanner (30 µm accuracy), the basis of template was produced on a Formlabs 2 3D printer (25 µm accuracy). Angulation (VOA, MDA) and position (VOP, MDA) values were used to evaluate the accuracy of demo implant placement between the groups and the reference.
Statistical analysis of angulation values (VOA, MDA) and position (VOP, MDP) on the CBCT showed that the positions of the placed demo implants correlated with the method of their placement. For MDA and VOA, the differences were not statistically significant (p=0.880 and 0.734, respectively), and for MDP and VOP, the differences were statistically significant (p=0.004 and 0.005, respectively). When compared with the reference differences, the VOP values in group I and the MDA values in group II were not statistically significant (p=0.296 and 0.094, respectively), and the other indices were statistically significant. The results of the statistical analysis showed that the use of SNT in clinical practice allows more accurate osteotomies as well as placement of a dental implant. However, we have shown that for some values there is no difference in the placement of a dental implant with and without SNT. For example, the VO angulation without navigation was close to the reference in 2 participants, below the reference in 6, and higher than the computer model in another 2. With navigation, 2 participants had VOA close to reference and the rest had lower values.
The use of static surgical navigation guides in the majority of clinical cases allows a more accurate transfer of the planned position of the virtual dental implant in the patient's oral cavity.
Key words:
surgical navigation template, dental implantation, navigation surgeryFor Citation
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July 6, 2023