Transport of ions through the tooth tissues during local demineralization of enamel


  • A.A. Smetanin 1, clinical resident of the Pediatric dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0001-5810-1777
  • E.V. Ekimov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0003-4713-2281
  • G.I. Skripkina 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor and head of the Pediatric dentistry Department
    ORCID: 0000-0001-7783-6111
  • 1 Omsk State Medical University, 644099, Omsk, Russia


Purpose — to study the transport of ions through the tooth enamel during its local demineralization against the background of the use of caries prophylactic gel compositions.
Materials and methods.
The experiment was carried out using a prototype of the developed device “I-ON” to assess the efficiency of ion transport through the tooth enamel. We used caries prophylactic gels, developed and patented by the Omsk State Medical University — fluoride-gel (F=10,000 ppm), three-component Ca-P-F model “TrioF Professional” (F=10,000 ppm), model “Saliva” Ca-P, Model “Enamel” Ca-P, three-component Ca-P-F model ” TrioF House“ (F≤500 ppm), two-component Ca-F model “Duet F” (F≤500 ppm). In the experiment, pork canine teeth were used because of their previously established similar porosity of enamel compared to human teeth.
With focal demineralization of enamel, activation of ion transport is noted due to an increase in enamel permeability. The most effective remineralizing agent is a three-component gel Ca-P-F model “TrioF House” with a low content of fluorine ions (500 ppm). The two-component Ca-F gel, model “Duet F” with a low content of fluorine ions (500 ppm), has a convincing remineralizing effect. Models that do not contain fluorine ions have shown remineralizing activity in the experiment. Gel model “Saliva”, which is dominated by phosphate ions, showed a more pronounced effect in comparison with the model “Enamel”, where the concentration of calcium ions prevails. A fluorine gel with a high fluorine ion content (10,000 ppm) showed the expected adverse effect on enamel permeability, which was reflected in the low concentration of fluoride ions in the internal solution after the experiment. A high concentration of fluoride ions in such prophylactic agents leads to the active replacement of calcium and phosphate ions in the enamel crystal lattice and the formation of fluorides in the surface layers, which impede the active transport of ions into the deeper layers of the enamel. This effect is less pronounced in the compositions “TrioF House” and “Duet F”, which contain a minimum amount of fluorine ions (500 ppm), which promote the activation of the transport of ions into the deep layers of the enamel.
New knowledge about the peculiarities of ionic ion transport during enamel demineralization will justify the choice of a drug in the treatment of initial caries of tooth enamel. The results of the experiment proved the highest efficiency of the three-component gel Ca-P-F model “TrioF House” with a low content of fluorine ions (500 ppm). A convincing remineralizing effect was demonstrated by the two-component Ca-F gel model “Duet F”, also with a low content of fluorine ions (500 ppm).

Key words:

caries, gels, enamel demineralization, ion transport, pediatric dentistry

For Citation

Smetanin A.A., Ekimov E.V., Skripkina G.I. Transport of ions through the tooth tissues during local demineralization of enamel. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2021; 24 (2): 6—9


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March 9, 2021


April 29, 2021

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June 1, 2021