
The clinical features of contagious manifestations of syphilis on oral mucosa


  • V.N. Zavadsky 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, professor of the Skin and venereal diseases Department
  • 1 Yaroslavl State Medical University, 150000, Yaroslavl, Russia


Oral mucosal lesions in primary and secondary syphilis are high-contagious. They are most hazardous in cases of “unknown” syphilis. The manifestations of syphilis are painless, non-acute inflammatory, regular round or oval, sharply circumscribed, lack tendency to sprawl. Eruptions on oral mucosa are slightly or no elevated, non-hard, often macerated. Lesions resolve spontaneously, but they may recur in recidive stage. The syphilitic eruptions are polymorphous or monomorphous. Most known oral mucosal manifestations of syphilis: mucosal plaques, or mucous patches, and lenticular papules (in 50-81% patients, p=0.05), syphilitic angina (in 15-40% patients; p=0.05). Whereas the enanthem in 40-71% patients (p=0.05), especially in recidive stage, consist of peculiar miliary “point-papules” and “streak-papules” which grouped in the form of “seed-pearls strings and rings” (V.N. Zavadsky). This phenomenon may be reliable revealed on the photograph of oral mucosa.

Key words:

syphilis, oral mucosal lesions in syphilis, phenomenon of “seed-pearls strings and rings”

For Citation

Zavadsky V.N. The clinical features of contagious manifestations of syphilis on oral mucosa. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 4 (92): 28—31. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_4_28


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Published on

December 1, 2019