10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_66Analysis of teeth hard tissues condition and the fixing material thickness under cast based artificial crowns in the long term after prosthetics
The article presents the methodology and results of the study conditions of hard tissues of abutment teeth and thickness of fixing material in different parts of artificial crowns on the basis of cast in the long-term, 6-8 years, terms after the prosthetics. Thickness of cement film on different surfaces artificial crowns were measured by an electronic self-calibrating thickness gauge and a digital micrometer. Also, the thickness of the cement film was studied by applying a fusible alloy in the artificial crown, which was impossible to remove without saw cut. It was found that more than 50% of the abutment teeth in the long term after prosthetics have pathological changes in hard tissues. In most (68%) cases the intermittent location of the fixing material was observed between the stump surface and the artificial crown. The data obtained can explain one of the reasons for the reduction of the service life of fixed prostheses and develop measures to improve the quality of prosthetics.Key words:
artificial crown, non-removable prosthesis, cement film, edge fit, fixing materialFor Citation
Serdyukov M.S., Solovyov A.A., Massarskiy I.G., Khudaleeva K.A., Galanova E.I. Analysis of teeth hard tissues condition and the fixing material thickness under cast based artificial crowns in the long term after prosthetics. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2019; 3 (91): 66—68. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_66
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Published on
September 1, 2019