
Features of the immune status of patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa


  • O.F. Rabinovich 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, head of the Oral mucosa diseases Department
  • I.M. Rabinovich 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Therapeutic dentistry Department
  • E.S. Abramova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, senior researcher at the Oral mucosa diseases Division
  • 1 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russia


This article presents the results of an immunological examination of 75 patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa: pemphigus vulgaris (18), pemphigoid bullosa (25), and the bullous form of lichen ruber planus (32). The control served 10 people who turned to a dentist about the treatment of caries and its complications; without somatic pathology and signs of the oral mucosa autoimmune diseases. The study showed that patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa have their own distinctive features. At the same time, depending on the type of the disease, certain changes in the immune status prevails.

Key words:

pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigoid bullosa, lichen ruber planus, interleukins, immunoglobulins, oral fluid

For Citation

Rabinovich O.F., Rabinovich I.M., Abramova E.S. Features of the immune status of patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 3 (91): 32—34. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_32


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Published on

September 1, 2019