
The results of using CAD/CAM-made zirconium crowns


  • N.A. Panahov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Prosthodontics Department
  • S.S. Aliyeva 1, PhD candidate at the Prosthodontics Department
  • 1 Azerbaijan Medical University, AZ1012, Baku, Azerbaijan


The purpose is to assess the quality of zirconium restorations according to the criteria of the US Health Service (USPHS). Material and methods. The study included patients in whom the first or second molar and premolar needed a monolithic restoration. Zirconia crowns were restored to 77 patients (35 men and 42 women), whose average age was 33.6±2.9 years. Crowns were installed on the upper jaw - 34 (44.2%), on the bottom - 43 (55.8%). Examination was carried out 7 days, 6 and 12 months after restoration. USPHS criteria used. Results. The survival rate of crowns was 100%. In 2.6% of cases, restorations corresponded to category C due to marginal discoloration, all the other 75 restorations corresponded to grade A or B. From 6 to 12 months, the number of cases with marks A and B changed only in terms of the “anatomical shape” - from 5.2 to 11.7% (p <0.05). In the period from 7 days to 6 months after restoration, statistically significant differences were found in the indicator “color matching” (the number of cases after 6 months increased 1.4 times), “discoloration of the edge surface” (3.7 times) and “surface texture "(4 times). After 12 months, the incidence of anatomical concavity among patients increased 2.2 times (p <0.05) as compared with 6 months. Conclusion Monolithic zirconium restorations made using CAD / CAM technology are a viable option for repairing individual posterior teeth. The proportion of successful restorations was 97.4%. In order to adequately document the possible benefits of a monolithic Zirconia restoration compared to other types of restorations, long-term randomized trials on a large sample of patients are needed.

Key words:

monolithic zirconium restoration, zirconium dioxide, CAD/CAM technology, USPHS criteria, molar, premolar

For Citation

Panahov N.A., Aliyeva S.S. The results of using CAD/CAM-made zirconium crowns. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 2 (90): 76—79. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_2_76


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Published on

June 1, 2019