10.37988/1811-153X_2019_2_30Efficiency increase of hyperesthesia treatment
The increased sensitivity of hard dental tissues, which is often observed after bleaching, is one of the most common pathological conditions that create discomfort and have a negative effect on the functional state of the oral cavity. 33 patients aged 30-40 years old were selected for treatment, having at least 20-25 natural teeth with preserved crown and without severe concomitant pathology, after the professional bleaching with complaints of hyperesthesia of the teeth. Long-term results of assessing the severity of hyperesthesia of teeth using clinical methods and subjective sensations of patients after professional teeth whitening and the use of various desensitizers revealed the high efficacy of the Telio CS Desensitizer in the treatment and prevention of hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues.Key words:
hyperesthesia, teeth whitening, desensitizerFor Citation
Ahmedbeyli P.A., Ahmedbeyli R.M., Mammadov F.Y., Ahmedbeyli C.R. Efficiency increase of hyperesthesia treatment. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2019; 2 (90): 30—33. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_2_30
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Published on
June 1, 2019