10.37988/1811-153X_2019_2_23Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of clinical application of standard and hybrid diamond burs
Preparation of teeth is characterized by a complex set of contact processes. With the increase of boron operating time the morphology of its working surface changes. During the loading of boron, the most protruding diamond grains above the bunch break out. The geometry of deeply seated grains is disturbed by crumbling sharp vertices and edges with the formation of abrasion facets and faces. The increase in contact temperature worsens the performance of the ligament, which in turn intensifies the tearing and abrasion of diamond grains. These mutually influencing processes are called boron wear, accompanied by a transition from cutting hard tissues of teeth to their grinding. The decrease in the cutting capacity of diamond grains causes a more intense increase in temperature in the contact zone and an increase in the probability of rough changes in hard tissues and pulp of teeth. The article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the clinical wear of standard hog grain 160-125 and 220-160 μm and hybrid hog grain 160-125/63-50 and 220-160/63-50 μm developed and produced on the basis of Pilot plant “VladMiVa”.Key words:
burs wear, burs sterilization, teeth preparation, hybrid burs, “VladMiVa”For Citation
Ovchinnikov I.V. Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of clinical application of standard and hybrid diamond burs. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2019; 2 (90): 23—25. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_2_23
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Published on
June 1, 2019