10.37988/1811-153X_2019_1_51A comprehensive diagnostic and treatment of patients with narrowing and deformities of the upper jaw
This article presents contemporary methods of diagnosis and orthodontic treatment of patients of different age groups with constriction of the upper jaw and maxillary deficiency. The treatment of 43 patients divided into 2 groups according to the stage of formation of the dentition, aimed at palatal expansion using removable and fixed appliances. Assessment of the degree of expansion achieved was carried out by cephalometric analysis of CBCT studies and anthropometric study of digital dental models. Early orthodontic treatment of patients with constriction and deformation of the upper jaw allows to achieve stable results of occlusion; to create a place necessary for the eruption of permanent teeth; to improve the incisor midlines of the jaws, to normalize the aesthetic center of the face; to eliminate the usual displacement of the lower jaw to the side and to normalize the position and articulation of the tongue.Key words:
constriction, upper jaw deformation, CBCT-scan, removable and fixed appliances for expansion, anthropometric analysis of the dental modelsFor Citation
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Published on
March 1, 2019