10.37988/1811-153X_2019_1_16Perception of the shape of maxillary central incisors as an important element of smile microaesthetics
The shape of the incisors has great influence on the micro-aesthetics of a smile. This non-standard configuration is crucial to developing a robust treatment plan. However, how important is it to idealize form if the sustained anomalies do not affect function? What is the patient’s perception of such features? Five photos of a patient’s face, created using computer simulation, were reviewed by three groups of respondents to render an effective assessment. The obtained data allows one to create the most individualized smile for each patient, which will ensure harmony between the physical data and a patient’s attitude.Key words:
Incisors, central incisors, shape of incisors, shape of central incisors of upper jaw, esthetic of teeth, smile esthetic, teeth shape evaluation, visagism, photo protocol in dentistryFor Citation
Rozhkova K.I., Slabkovskaya A.B., Persin L.S., Zakharov A.N., Avetisyan K.K. Perception of the shape of maxillary central incisors as an important element of smile microaesthetics. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2019; 1 (89): 16—19. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_1_16
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Published on
March 1, 2019