The effectiveness of Succinasol in management of the oxidized blood stress in patients with a oral lichen ruber planus
The addition of Succinasol, antioxidant, infusions, in treatment of lichen ruber planus of oral mucous membrane (LRPOMM) has been shown to increase the efficiency of treatment, resulting in the reduction of clinical signs of disease and pronounced improvement in lipid oxidation parameters as major sign of antioxidant system function. The most pronounced and statistically significant improvement in clinical laboratory indicators was observed in patients receiving Succinasol.Key words:
lichen ruber planus, Succinasol, succinic acid, oxidative blood stressFor Citation
Bekzhanova O.E., Shukurova U.A. The effectiveness of Succinasol in management of the oxidized blood stress in patients with a oral lichen ruber planus. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2017; 4 (84): 43—45
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Published on
December 1, 2017