The influence of psychoemotional stress on the microbiota of the gingival furrow in young people


  • Z.V. Lalieva 1, аспирант кафедры стоматологии
  • O.N. Risovannaya 1, д.м.н., профессор кафедры стоматологии факультета повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки специалистов
  • 1 КубГМУ


The study involved 67 school leavers 16-19 years old. As a model of acute psychoemotional stress was used the situation of passing an important exam.A microbiological study was made of the general microbial contamination of the gingival furrow and its colonization by individual microbiota species using aerobic and anaerobic cultivation methods. In the state of relative dormancy, 100% of people without dental and gum disease were found to have an eubiotic condition of the gingival microbiota, 100% of persons with catarrhal gingivitis and caries-the microbiota of the gingival groove were in a state of dysbiosis. The influence of the stressor on the disorder of the balance of the microbial homeostasis of the dental gingival slit causes an increase in the imbalance of microbial associations in the form of a decrease in the comensal microflora and an increase in the opportunistic pathogenicity.

Key words:

microbiota, psychoemotional stress, gingivitis, dysbiosis

For Citation

Lalieva Z.V., Risovannaya O.N. The influence of psychoemotional stress on the microbiota of the gingival furrow in young people. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 4 (84): 30—33


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Published on

December 1, 2017