Satisfaction of the population quality of dental care
The article presents the results and the discussion of empirical anonymous sociological research - questioning of population of Moscow and Ryazan cities, aimed to study public opinion about the quality of dental care (according to the Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated October 31, 2013 № 810a). It was found that over the past 10 years dental medical organizations have greatly improved the organization and regulation of the of patients flow to the doctors. However, the satisfaction of providing medical dental care conditions has decreased by 16.24% (91% - 74.76%). Quarters of patients - 25.48% are above satisfied with the work of dentists and dental nurses, 39.53% - are not satisfied with the waiting rooms conditions. On the part of dental health organizations directors it is necessary to achieve constant monitoring of the quality of dental care system and to introduce corrective measures to ensure patient satisfaction with the dental care process provision.Key words:
dental care for population, dental care providing quality, work quality of dental organizations, empirical anonymous sociological researchFor Citation
Butova V.G., Smirnova L.E., Zuev M.V., Bashtavoy A.A., Peshkov V.A. Satisfaction of the population quality of dental care. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2017; 2 (82): 70—73
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Published on
June 1, 2017