Use of irrigator by patients with orthopedic constructions, supported by dental implants
Dental implantation is a modern method of replacement of defects of dentition and increasingly finds application in a broad dental practice. Almost all the authors in varying degrees, affecting their studies, the issues of hygiene care for the oral cavity during implantation, unanimous, dental hygiene, implants and abutments has a significant impact on the stability of the artificial supports and the timing of the use of prostheses.Key words:
oral Irrigator, dental implantation, oral hygiene, prevention of mucositis and peri-implantitsFor Citation
Utiuzh A.S., Iumashev A.V., Admakin O.I., Lushkov R.M. Use of irrigator by patients with orthopedic constructions, supported by dental implants. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2017; 2 (82): 47—49
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Published on
June 1, 2017