Dynamics of the number of HIV-related patients in the Lipetsk region
HIV infection is an infectious disease, which is the causative agent the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The disease is manifested by a decrease of the General resistance of patients to opportunistic microorganisms, and increased susceptibility to cancer. The continuing growth in the number of HIV-infected and the lack of means and methods of specific prophylaxis of HIV (vaccine), require changes to existing state strategies and policies to combat the HIV epidemic in Russia. On the modern stage of development of stomatology in Russia, the topic of this article is actual because of high incidence not tested HIV-associated patients on reception at the dentist.Key words:
HIV-associated patients, HIV/AIDS, dentistry, populationFor Citation
Letnikova L.I., Kirillova L.D., Fomichev I.V., Fleicher G.M. Dynamics of the number of HIV-related patients in the Lipetsk region. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2016; 4 (80): 68—72
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Published on
December 1, 2016