Disease attitude feature at senile patients to treatment of pathologies salivary glands, accompanied by a “dry mouth syndrome”
The paper studied the attitude to the disease in the course of dynamic observation of 69 patients with middle and old age (at the age of 61 to 85 years), suffering from chronic diseases of the salivary glands, accompanied by the dry mouth syndrome. To determine the type of attitude to the disease clinical test method TAD (type of attitude to the disease), which implements the clinical and psychological typology patient attitude was used to determine the disease provides for the possibility of one of the twelve types of response. It was found that before treatment, regardless of age in patients suffering from disorders of the salivary glands and are accompanied by the syndrome of “dry mouth” marked types of attitude to the disease for which the observed maladaptive behavior with predominantly intrapsychic response oriented to the disease, manifested the characteristic reactions for irritable type weakness, anxious, depressed, oppressed state, “care” patients in the disease, “surrender” to the disease. The performed complex treatment with an anxiolytic allowed in 52.1% of patients change inadequate response to disease, to eliminate significant signs of mental maladjustment, as well as create a realistic installation in patients on treatment, contribute to the restoration of broad social relations and actively participate in treatment.Key words:
salivary glands, sialosis, sialoadenopaty, malignant tumors of the salivary glands, dry mouth syndrome, attitude to the diseaseFor Citation
Iordanishvili O A.K., Lobeyko V.V. Disease attitude feature at senile patients to treatment of pathologies salivary glands, accompanied by a “dry mouth syndrome”. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2016; 4 (80): 60—63
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Published on
December 1, 2016