The problem of resistance of odontogenic infection pathogens to antibiotics and development of rapid methods of identifying resistant strains
A retrospective study of data evaluation and treatment of patients was carried out based on Moscow maxillofacial surgery clinics. Diagnosis “K12.2 Phlegmon and abscess of the mouth” according to ICD-10 was disclosed at 469 patients with purulent infections of the maxillofacial of aging 20-59 years. Elimination and identification of microorganisms carried out by generally accepted principles of aerobic and anaerobic cultivation, determining the sensitivity to antibiotics, including the new, patented laser fluorescence diagnosis method. The structure of purulent wounds microbiota was characterized in odontogenic infection: 198 microorganism strains were eliminated and identified in 67.7% patients:. Anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria were the dominant flora. The elimination frequency of sensitive and resistant strains among aerobic and anaerobic strains was determined. The use of laser fluorescence spectroscopy was experimentally justified as a rapid method for determining the sensitivity of purulent wounds microbial associations to antibiotics as a result of the fluorescence power assessment.Key words:
phlegmon, sensitivity (resistance) to antibiotics, association of pathogens, rapid method, laser fluorescence spectroscopyFor Citation
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Published on
December 1, 2016