X-ray diagnosis of common diseases of the temporomandibular joints in the outpatient dental practice


  • A.P. Arzhantsev 1, д.м.н., профессор, зав. рентгенологическим отделением


X-ray picture of TMJ diseases are characterized by a variety of manifestations. The most common pathology of the TMJ was dysfunctional disorders, including in combination with organic changes in the joint. Radiological diagnosis of TMJ diseases in the outpatient offices of the agencies should be based on the use of orthopantomographs that allow you to explore TMJ in the lateral projection by a special program. Informative is the combination of techniques of zonography TMJ in the lateral projection and orthopantomography. The use of cone-beam computed tomography helps to identify early signs of organic changes in the bony elements of the TMJ, as well as obtaining high-quality images in the presence of topographic peculiarities of the joints.

Key words:

temporomandibular joint, TMJ zonography, orthopantomography, dysfunction, organic changes

For Citation

Arzhantsev A.P. X-ray diagnosis of common diseases of the temporomandibular joints in the outpatient dental practice. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2016; 4 (80): 26—32


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Published on

December 1, 2016