Dental materials used in the prosthetic treatment of patients with tumors of the maxillofacial region
The dental prosthodontic treatment is final step in the dental rehabilitation of patients with tumors of the maxillofacial region . But there are many difficulties associated directly with the morphological variant of the tumor is obtained antitumor and subsequent reconstructive treatment. All of these factors must be taken into account for the normalization of the main functions of the maxillofacial region and to maximize the recovery of the adornment of the person. In this regard the final prosthetic treatment of these patients should be developed on an individual plan, taking into account characteristics of a impressions, determining the relationship of the jaws and occlusion, anthropometric data and selection of materials manufacturing prosthetic design.Key words:
dental material, prosthetic treatment, maxillofacial region, tumorFor Citation
Kochurova E.V., Nikolenko V.N., Gavrjushova L.V., Huiping Tan Dental materials used in the prosthetic treatment of patients with tumors of the maxillofacial region. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2016; 3 (79): 62—64
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Published on
September 1, 2016