Comparative analysis of bone tissue defects after tooth preservation procedures with the use of osteotropic materials
During the toothprotecting operations bone defects appear what lead to the appearance of postoperative complications. As a consequence, there is a need to establish the optimal conditions for bone tumors. In order to stimulate bone formation in the surgical dentistry osteotrophic materials is widely used. The operation success depends on the properties of the implant material and on the neyroamin concentration of in the structures of the bone defect. The aim of the research is to study the process of bone tumors within a year after toothprotecting osteotropic operations with materials of different origin: autologous, allogeneic and heterologous materials. We have used clinical, radiographic and densitometric, luminescent-histochemical and Unna painting methods. To determine the direction and extent of the changes we have applied statistical T-Wilcoxon test. Neyroamin environment in the bone defect remains high up to 30 days after the operation. We believe that at this time there is a differentiation of cells. Restoring a bone defect sulfation of heparin is increased with the appearance of γ-metachromatic mast cells.Key words:
toothprotecting operation, destructive forms of chronic apical periodontitis, bone defect, bone-seeking materialFor Citation
Stolyarov M.V. Comparative analysis of bone tissue defects after tooth preservation procedures with the use of osteotropic materials. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2016; 1 (77): 46—51
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Published on
March 1, 2016