The practice of endoodontitis treatment for teeth with troubled alveolar canals
In accordance with the clinical research and anesthetical endodontitis treatment of 62 teeth with troubled alveolar canals (С-shaped, fissured, occasional a.s.o.), the algorithm of endodontic treatment of such with a purpose of having an effect on the preserved parts of the live dental pulp was suggested. Subsequently (after the dental canal filling), this can cause soreness and inflammation in the dental capsule. This treatment scheme implies the obligatory introduction of the submicrogram of non-arsenous material on the paper point steeped in aseptic.Key words:
endodontitis treatment, after-dental-filling-soreness, troubled alveolar canalsFor Citation
Aksamit L.A., Babich T.D., Tsvetkova A.A. The practice of endoodontitis treatment for teeth with troubled alveolar canals. Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2015; 3 (75): 4—6
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Published on
September 1, 2015