The problem of planning of restorative treatment and obstruction reconstruction (literature review)
In the article the analysis of the influence of occlusion on the state of jaw-dental system and its role in the restoration of the integrity of dental arches are represented with the help of literary sources. Special equipment that imitates motions of mandible, its variety and indication to the application are described. The characteristic of the central relationship of the jaws is given, conclusions are formulated and conformative and reorganizing approaches to the restoration of occlusive relationships of teeth and dental arches are substantiated.Key words:
occlusion, articulator, conformative and reorganizing approachesFor Citation
Borisova I.V., Shtefan A.V. The problem of planning of restorative treatment and obstruction reconstruction (literature review). Clinical Dentistry (Russia). 2014; 1 (69): 22—26
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Published on
March 1, 2014