
Experience in implementing an internal quality and safety control system in the activities of a dental medical organization


  • L.E. Smirnova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, scientific secretary
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4876-9882
  • F.F. Losev 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, professor, director
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9448-9614
  • A.A. Bashtovoy 2, PhD in Medical Sciences, chief medical officer
  • 1 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Dental Polyclinic no. 66, 109316, Moscow, Russia


Internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity is carried out in order to ensure patients’ rights for medical care provided properly and sufficiently. One of such approaches is the implementation of internal control of medical activity quality and safety. Implementing this approach includes an assessment of many functional processes. In this article we assessed the result of the implementation of three functional activities: “Personnel management in medical activities”, “Safety in patient identification”, “Quality assurance of medical care. Compliance with clinical guidelines (treatment protocols)”. The purpose was to identify the main changes in the activity of the Municipal dental clinic No. 66 (Moscow, Russia) after implementation of the internal quality control system. >. Medical staffing level made up 61%. The rest of the indicators of the section “Personnel management in the implementation of medical activity” are maintained at a high professional level. All doctors are registered on the portal “Continuing Medical Education”. The share of staff with qualification categories increased by 2%. Standard operating procedures (SOP) “Patient Identification” were developed in the outpatient clinic, the purpose of which is to regulate the procedure of patient identification in outpatient conditions when providing them with dental care in all structural subdivisions. The Commission on internal control of quality and safety of medical activity for the period 2019—2020 in this direction no violations were revealed. This direction in the activities of the outpatient clinic was not previously developed. The increase in indicators for compliance with clinical guidelines was 28.9%, for patient satisfaction — 16%. >. The experience of introduction of modern management system for quality and safety of medical activity showed a steady increase in the work indicators of all structural subdivisions in a short period of time. An important achievement of the implementation of the unified system of quality control and safety of medical activity was the formation of a positive attitude of all employees, interest in the activities carried out.

Key words:

internal quality control and safety of medical activity, personnel management, patient identification, quality of medical care

For Citation

Smirnova L.E., Losev F.F., Bashtovoy A.A. Experience in implementing an internal quality and safety control system in the activities of a dental medical organization. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2022; 25 (4): 166—170. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2022_4_166


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