Study of self-assessment of oral health in children living in the Altai Region


  • K.O. Kudrina 1, assistant at the Pediatric dentistry department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8294-6785
  • I.N. Chechina 1, PhD in Medical sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6243-7003
  • L.R. Sarap 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6599-1683
  • A.Yu. Zejbert 1, assistant at the Pediatric dentistry Department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3825-157X
  • A.A. Lytkina 1, assistant at the Pediatric dentistry department
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1567-7092
  • 1 Altai State Medical University, 656038, Barnaul, Russia


Self-assessment of oral health is an important indicator in assessing the incidence rate, as well as the timeliness and availability of dental care for the population. The questionnaire method for examining the state of the oral cavity in different age groups is simple and affordable, but it allows you to cover a large number of patients in a short period without large economic costs. The purpose of the study was to study and analyze the results of the questionnaire survey of children 12 and 15 years old living in the Altai Territory.
Materials and methods.
A survey was conducted of 455 children 12 and 15 years old (211 boys and 244 girls) living in the Altai Territory, using the oral health questionnaire developed by the WHO. The questions in the questionnaire reflected general information about the respondent, self-assessment of the state of the oral cavity, the frequency and reason for visiting the dentist, knowledge about individual oral hygiene, the use of basic and additional oral hygiene products and items, the nature of the diet, the presence of bad habits, the experience of reducing the quality of life due to for problems in the oral cavity.
According to the results of the study, more than a third of the children surveyed are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth and experience certain difficulties associated with diseases of the oral cavity. More than half of children visit the dentist 1—2 times a year, 20% of children — even more often. The main reason for visiting a dentist is a check-up or scheduled dental treatment. The nature of the diet does not differ in children of 12 and 15 years old. Eating soft foods containing a large amount of “fast” carbohydrates prevails.
The state of the oral cavity in children of the studied age groups affects their quality of life. Bad taste habits are significantly common among adolescents. The frequency of visits to the dentist and basic oral care is sufficient, but additional hygiene items are used irregularly.

Key words:

assessment of the state of the oral cavity, questionnaires, dental health of children

For Citation

Kudrina K.O., Chechina I.N., Sarap L.R., Zejbert A.Yu., Lytkina A.A. Study of self-assessment of oral health in children living in the Altai Region. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2021; 24 (3): 25—31


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June 15, 2021


September 3, 2021

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September 1, 2021