
Current trends and problems of division of labor in dentistry


  • E.O. Danilov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor and head of the Public health organization Department
  • 1 SPbINSTOM Dental Institute of Postgraduate Education (private institute), 191025, St. Petersburg, Russia


The aim of the study was to study current trends and topical problems of the division of labor in dentistry. Materials and methods. Various sources of information were analyzed, including special literature, regulatory legal acts, advertisements on job sites and official statistics; a systemic approach, content analysis and comparative method were used. Results. The applied value of the main normative documents that define today the professional model of a dentist (Professional standard, Nomenclature of specialties, Qualification requirements) is revealed. The advantages and disadvantages of the narrowly focused specialization of dentists are noted. The analysis of the existing practice of using auxiliary personnel in dental clinics is carried out. It is pointed out the shortcomings of providing nurses to doctors of state dental institutions, as well as the fact that the current regulations define the functions of a nurse without taking into account dental specifics. At the same time, dental assistants work in private clinics, but this category of medical personnel is not formally available, since it is not provided for by current legislation. Conclusion. Based on the analysis, concludes that it is necessary to develop a concept of the division of labor in dentistry, which makes it possible to determine the roles (compositions of functions) of various dental specialists, the rational boundaries of the specialization of dentists and the criteria for assigning certain medical actions to the exclusive competence of a particular specialty. Along with this, it is proposed, as a priority, to officially introduce a new specialty “Nursing in dentistry” and the position of dental assistant.

Key words:

division of labor, specialization, dental specialties, dentist, dental auxiliaries, dental assistant, dental nurse

For Citation

Danilov E.O. Current trends and problems of division of labor in dentistry. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2021; 4 (96): 99—104. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2020_4_99


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Published on

January 13, 2021