
Determination of parameters of occlusal spheres on computer tomograms of the head of patients with different structures of the gnatic part of the facial skeleton of the skull


  • O.P. Ivanova 1, PhD in Medical sciences, associate professor of the Orthodontics Department
  • 1 Volgograd State Medical University, 400131, Volgograd, Russia


In the literature, various methods for constructing prosthetic structures in the complete absence of teeth are known, including spherical surfaces. However, these methods do not consider characteristics of patients with dolichognathic, mesognathic and brachygnathic structure of the face. The aim — to expand the understanding of sagittal and transversal movements of the lower jaw as a result of determining the parameters of occlusal spheres on computer tomograms of the head of patients with different types of structure of the gnatic part of the facial part of the skull. This article is devoted to the problem of determining the size of the radius of individual spheres in persons with dolichognathic, mesognathic and brachygnathic jaw structure. Materials and methods. The authors studied computed tomograms in lateral and axial projection. A study of the radius of the occlusal sphere was carried out. The features of the location of the projection of the center of the circle in patients with different types of structure were determined. Results. Largest values of the radius correspond to the dolichognathic type of structure, the average values of the radius were noted in persons with the mesognathic type, the brachygnathic type is characterized by the smallest radius of the sphere. The features of the location of the projection of the center of the circle in patients with different types of structure were determined. Conclusions. The fact that the coordinated forces of the masticatory muscles are directed parallel to the axes of the teeth in the sagittal and transversal directions obliges to take into account the choice of the radius of the spherical surface when setting artificial teeth during the manufacture of prosthetic structures for patients with complete absence of teeth. Since articulatory movements of the lower jaw directly depend on the severity of the compensatory sagittal and transversal curves in patients with different types of structure of the gnatic part of the facial skull, in the clinic of orthodontic dentistry, it is necessary to take into account these structural features when working with the straight arch technique.

Key words:

individual spheres, diameter measurement, radius measurement, tooth setting, spherical theory of articulation

For Citation

Ivanova O.P. Determination of parameters of occlusal spheres on computer tomograms of the head of patients with different structures of the gnatic part of the facial skeleton of the skull. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2021; 4 (96): 48—53. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2020_4_48


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Published on

January 13, 2021