
The influence of calcium hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate, modified hyaluronic acid on the regeneration of bone tissue of the alveolar process of the jaw in experimental periimplantitis


  • S.V. Sirak 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Dentistry Department
  • S.P. Rubnikovich 2, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Prosthodontics and orthodontics Department with a course of pediatric dentistry
  • L.A. Grigor’yanc 3, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Dentistry Department
  • M.M. Garunov 3, senior laboratory technician at the Dentistry Department
  • M.O. Didenko 1, postgraduate at the Histology Department
  • Z.M. Kochkarova 1, postgraduate at the Histology Department
  • A.A. Andreev 1, postgraduate at the Dentistry Department
  • 1 Stavropol State Medical University, 355017, Stavropol, Russia
  • 2 Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
  • 3 RUDN University, 117198, Moscow, Russia


The article presents the results of the study morphological features of bone regeneration in experimental animals with the use of calcium hydroxyapatite (GP) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP), modified hyaluronic acid on the model of peri-implantitis. The high efficiency of the combined use of GP and TCP with hyaluronic acid was established, due to the stimulation of neo-and angiogenesis of peri-implant tissues, faster regeneration of postoperative jaw defect with the least number of complications.

Key words:

regeneration, calcium hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, hyaluronic acid, periimplantitis

For Citation

Sirak S.V., Rubnikovich S.P., Grigor’yanc L.A., Garunov M.M., Didenko M.O., Kochkarova Z.M., Andreev A.A. The influence of calcium hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate, modified hyaluronic acid on the regeneration of bone tissue of the alveolar process of the jaw in experimental periimplantitis. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 4 (92): 61—65. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_4_61


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Published on

December 1, 2019