
Clinical, laboratory and microbiological evaluation of the effectiveness of complex treatment of periodontal pathology using dental immobilization with milled tires and photodynamic therapy


  • T.T. Malazonia 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, assistant professor of the Dentistry diseases propaedeutics Department
  • S.D. Arutunov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Dentistry diseases propaedeutics Department
  • A.A. Lastochkin 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Microbiology, virology, immunology Department
  • Y.A. Trefilova 1, researcher at the molecular biology research lab of the Medico-dental research Institute
  • 1 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 127473, Moscow, Russia


The purpose of the work is to increase the effectiveness of complex treatment of periodontal pathology using tooth immobilization with milled tires from new structural materials and the photodynamic therapy. Materials and methods. 120 people were treated, aged 25-60 years (73 women and 47 men) with a diagnosis of moderate severity of CGP. Randomization was carried out into 4 groups - homogeneous by sex, age, clinical presentation and general somatic status. To monitor the condition of patients, traditional clinical, laboratory and microbiological methods were used, including PCR to identify marker periodontopathogenic bacteria and fungi of the genus Candida. Results. The results of the study are presented in four groups that differ in the treatment method: I - traditional periodontal therapy, II - additionally with temporary immobilization of movable teeth with milled tires, III - additionally with PDT, IV - complex treatment, including traditional therapy, immobilization of movable teeth with milled polymer tires and PDT. Monitoring of clinical, laboratory and microbiological parameters showed the greatest effectiveness of combination therapy in group IV. Conclusion. Clinical and microbiological evaluation of the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy and splinting constructions in the complex treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis showed a significant decrease in the frequency of detection of genetic markers of periodontopathogenic bacteria and Candida fungi when using combined treatment, including splinting of teeth and photodynamic therapy.

Key words:

periodontitis, tooth immobilization, milled tires, photo-dynamic therapy, PCR, periodontopathogenic bacteria, Candida fungi

For Citation

Malazonia T.T., Arutunov S.D., Lastochkin A.A., Trefilova Y.A. Clinical, laboratory and microbiological evaluation of the effectiveness of complex treatment of periodontal pathology using dental immobilization with milled tires and photodynamic therapy. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 4 (92): 36—40. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_4_36


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Published on

December 1, 2019