
Features of the immune status in patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa with complex treatment using photodynamic therapy


  • O.F. Rabinovich 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, head of the Oral mucosa diseases Department
  • I.M. Rabinovich 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Therapeutic dentistry Department
  • E.S. Abramova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, senior researcher at the Oral mucosa diseases Division
  • K.V. Umarova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, researcher at the Oral mucosa diseases Division
  • 1 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russia


In this article the indicators of innate immunity in oral fluid were studied in 75 patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa (pemphigus vulgaris (18), pemphigoid bullosa (25) and bullous form of lichen ruber planus (32)) before and after complex treatment with the inclusion of photodynamic therapy. Indicators of the level of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α and immunoglobulins A, M, G were determined. 10 people who turned to a dentist for the treatment of caries and its complications served as control; somatic pathology and signs indicating the presence of autoimmune diseases of the oral mucosa, they were not revealed. This study established the relationship between the level of proinflammatory cytokines and immunoglobulins with the severity of the clinical course of bullous lesions, which causes the use of photodynamic therapy in the complex treatment of these diseases of the oral mucosa.

Key words:

pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigoid bullosa, lichen ruber planus, interleukins, immunoglobulins, oral fluid, photodynamic therapy

For Citation

Rabinovich O.F., Rabinovich I.M., Abramova E.S., Umarova K.V. Features of the immune status in patients with bullous lesions of the oral mucosa with complex treatment using photodynamic therapy. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 4 (92): 32—35. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_4_32


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Published on

December 1, 2019