
Ultrasound doppler in evaluation of microcirculation features in the pulp of permanent teeth with formed roots


  • N.Yu. Dmitrienko 1, assistant at the Pediatric dentistry Department
  • L.R. Sarap 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
  • E.A. Podzorova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
  • O.G. Zhilenko 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
  • I.N. Chechina 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry Department
  • 1 Altai State Medical University, 656038, Barnaul, Russia


Hemodynamic features were studied in the pulp of permanent teeth with formed roots after treatment by direct pulp capping using bioactive materials. Children aged 11-15 years (24 children) were divided into two groups: in group I 26 teeth were treated with direct pulp capping of Biodentine based on tricalcium silicate, in group II, 23 teeth were treated with Trioxident based on oxides of calcium, silicon and aluminum. Doppler ultrasound was performed to determine the state of the pulp before treatment and after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. The linear and volumetric blood flow rates and the Gosling pulsation index were measured. When comparing hemodynamic parameters in intact and test teeth before treatment, their statistically significant increase was detected in both groups. The most pronounced changes were observed in group I: parameters of blood flow rates and the pulsation index were restored by the 12th month after treatment, and in group II-only by the 24th month.

Key words:

pulp, permanent teeth, direct pulp capping, bioactive materials, ultrasound doppler

For Citation

Dmitrienko N.Yu., Sarap L.R., Podzorova E.A., Zhilenko O.G., Chechina I.N. Ultrasound doppler in evaluation of microcirculation features in the pulp of permanent teeth with formed roots. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 3 (91): 24—26. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_24


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Published on

September 1, 2019