
Assessment of efficiency of treatment of dentin hypersensitivity after preparation


  • P.A. Ahmedbeyli 1, assistant at the Therapeutic dentistry Department
  • 1 Azerbaijan Medical University, AZ1012, Baku, Azerbaijan


Purpose: comparative analysis of data on the effectiveness of desensitizers to eliminate increased tooth dentin sensitivity after hard tissues preparation. Material and methods. Telio CS Desensitizer (I group, n=11), Gluma Desensitizer (II group, n=13) and Admira Protect (III group, n=12) were used on patients with dentin sensitivity. For an objective assessment of the level of hyperesthesia, prevalence and intensity of hyperesthesia indices were used. Results. In the initial stage of clinical studies in all groups after preparation of tooth hard tissues, there was an increase in EDI on average up to 2.12±0.03, 3.25±0.06 and 3.46±0.06 μA respectively (p<0.05). Towards the end of the study the electrical excitability of the pulp of the prepared teeth in group I decreased up to 1.24±0.13 μA versus 1.77±0.35 μA in group II. Conclusion. Clinical studies of tactile and temperature indicators sensitivity most effective for prevention possible complications associated with the preparation showed itself, Telio CS Desensitizer.

Key words:

dentin hypersensitivity, desensitizer, teeth preparation

For Citation

Ahmedbeyli P.A. Assessment of efficiency of treatment of dentin hypersensitivity after preparation. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 3 (91): 7—9. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_3_7


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Published on

September 1, 2019